Monday, 2 April 2012

Cold snap coming

Just as all the birdies settle down to their nest making and the vegetables start poking up through the soil, a COLD SNAP suddenly rears its ugly head. First the fuel shortages caused by idiots panic buying and now this! ;)

I'd only just had my first BBQ of the season too..

The sun is taking a break and a low is on its way down from the north bringing chilly NE winds so we're going to have some biterly cold weather for a couple of days before it gets back to normal.

There's talk of a small swell blip today, not checked the cam yet so will swing by the beach in about an hour and check. Easter weekend isn't looking like such a wash out now and Sunday looks pretty damn good for waves currently so fingers crossed that lasts!

I've got my surfboard bike rack sorted at last after much hassle as the shop gave me the wrong fixtures which left me with alot of head scratching at first but it's now assembled and ready to go once this weather warms up and the Wales Coast Path gets finished!

And finally, this weekeend I begun dabbling in driftwood art for my garden(it just goes to shows what a flat spell can do to a man).

Apparently they make it looks like someone has been buried in my front garden! But I'm quite happy with my proto-types and will continue making things, so if anyone fancies buying some - let me know ;)!

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