Derek Brockway has recently joined our team of bloggers on BBC Wales Nature so there are at least 2 of us now! ;)
We're a bit like the two wrestlers in Nacho Libre - Nacho & Skeletor ;)
Nacho: "Those eggs were a lie, Esqueleto. A LIE! They give me no eagle powers! They give me no nutrients!"
Derek will keep the nation up to date with the latest weather forecasts, geeky weather news such as how to tell the difference between a cumulonimbus and a cirrocumulus?
As well as other outdoors news when he goes off trekking around Wales for his new TV/Radio series - 'weatherman walking'
I'll continue to cover nature news and wear daring wrestling leotards.
My imagination has now run riot so it's time to end this one.
Don't try this at home kids! Only do this at work...That's got you worried hasn't it? ;0
Google 'Eagle Power' and see what you get!