Friday, 17 July 2009

Surfing mobility

Could this be the future?

They say water resistant...does that mean it's shower proof and more importantly - does the darn thing float or come with a wrist leash or something as my hands get slippery when wet! ;)

It does look tasty though and the G-shock enthusiasts out there are bound to want one.

Imagine sitting out's perfect and you're late home.

A call to your significant other might just keep you out of trouble and in the water for another hour...

"Hi, honey, look - it's 6ft and hollow and only one other guy out. I'm going to be an hour late for tea - okay?"

Well it might just work!

The flip side would be when the guy next to you takes out his phone and says:

"Hey, I'm down the reefs and it's pumping! - Just one other guy in. Tell the boys to get down here ASAP!"

I guess they'd come in handy for accident and emergency calls too as we all end up surfing some quite isolated places at some times in our lives and only heed the safety advice once something has already gone wrong!

I doubt there are many of us who take first aid kits with us when we traipse off somewhere on foot?

Don't get too excited though - it's only available in the U.S.A. at the moment!

1 comment:

  1. "we all end up surfing some quite isolated places at some times in our lives and only heed the safety advice once something has already gone wrong!"

    so true :)
