I've mustered two really poor surfs at the end of July, one in choppy onshore 1-2ft, the other in windless seas but on a large tide and small swell so I spent an hour dodging rocks and just about managing to stand up on the weak pulses.
Despite the dire waves, I actually surfed quite well, popping up quickly and finding the occasional bit of face but I know I'll struggle from surf fitness once we get proper waves again.
I've recently turned 40...
You can tell it's been flat as I'm now climbing the walls and getting very pissed off at missing the 1-2ft weak surf that keeps on mystically appearing around mid tide.
I was positively frothing this morning as I ran out of time for a pre work dip and may go later but it doesn't look good currently so may have to drown my sorrows at the surf club meeting tonight.
I'm off to a land locked country shortly for 10 days just as ********* low pressure arrives but it ain't over until the fat lady sings and I still have 48 hours to try and get a half decent surf in.
Roll on September, I'm off somewhere with surf - I don't care where!
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