Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Tick tock, tick tock

Me finding some early morning shade:

Who said the clocks going back was a bad thing?

For us insomniacs out there, it means one thing - more dawn patrols! For a little while longer anyway...

I'd arranged to meet up with Adie from frames photography for a few shots somewhere new for him and outside of Pembrokeshire.

He'd brought back up in the shape of his big buddy Reuben just in case we planned to rob him of his new fish eye lens. I'd given him down the dark wooded lane, dodge the potholes and park up.

Look at that lip...Mmmmmm

As it happened I was first to arrive and greeted by one other lone, mad surfer, who was busy texting away in his car waiting for 'dawn' to show her face.

She arrived and was beautiful with nice pink clouds bubbling around the smoke stacks of the nearby chocolate factory.

Reuben was probably the most unenthused surfer I'd ever met at 6am! LOL - Not really wanting to leave the comfort and warmth of the car but he seemed to perk up once he got wet! 'Just add water'

Reuben in action:

Eventually everyone had arrived and we marched off towards the beach.

The period was a whopping 17 seconds and we had lightish SSE winds and a 0.9m building swell. The outer buoys were all showing 2m+ so expectations were high.

The waves were around 3-4ft and nice and clean and hollow for the 1st hour but went a bit pair shaped later on. Nevertheless we made the best of it and ratter and I managed to get our beaks under the lip.

Ratter squeaked into a nice little cover up once he found his stride and I found a bit of shelter myself. Ed was out catching plenty and seemed to be enjoying himself but no sign of Adie or Reuben?

Ratter eyes up the hollow section ahead:

We began to wonder if they'd gone back to bed? About 30 mins later we spied them down the other end of the beach!

An hour passed and we enjoyed some really nice fast clean waves. Reuben and Adie joined us and for the next 30 mins we shared some nice waves.

Adie was copping plenty of white water on the inside and I felt quite sorry for him, having to swim out with all that cumbersome kit in tow.

Having a world famous photographer sat inside of me with his big flash gun protuding out of the sea like 'Nautilus' put me off my stride a little and I struggled to find any good waves.

Ratter snagged a few nice set waves and I was getting hungry!

Eventually I snagged a few but the surf had already begun to change.

Big ugly close outs had started to appear which spoilt an otherwise half decent session. After about 2 hours we all called it day and went about our respective business.

On another note - I used my surf plugs for the first time and they were excellent! I had a nightmare of a paddle out and they stayed fast and I came in with no water washing around my sinuses so they get a big thumbs up from me.

Read Adie's blog from this day

1 comment:

  1. awesum shot..fuh yeah..full on mann..yeahh haa..

