Monday, 12 July 2010

A pleasant surprise

Wind: Very light SSW
Tide: Falling, HT was around 5.30pm
At the beach: Fun 2-3ft bowls

It was a really mixed bag this weekend. The weather forecast was all over the place but it was very warm, nudging 30 deg C on Saturday afternoon. Sunday was nice too and the light winds were in fact very strong, onshore all day?!

I got up for the early on Saturday morning which seems to have become a regular occurrence for me this week and decided against it. The 1-2ft weak period dribble wasn't inspiring me.

Harv, ignoring my advice had gone anyway and claimed it was 2-3ft but he's been eating a lot of out of date pasties recently so this probably accounts for it. I guess lying down on sponge makes everything appear bigger than it is too! ;0

Instead I bided my time; emptied my now defunct garage - ready for demolishion...(I'm hoping to shape a board in there one day) and visited Cardiff Bay for the international food festival.

As expected, it was uncomfortably hot and crowded but we did manage to find some shade, have a beer and listen to a couple of local singer/song writers strumming their stuff on guitars which was nice.

The day wore on and the wind remained light...I got home @ 5pm and spied glassy looking faces at Rest Bay but hundreds of bodies in the water enjoying the small summer waves and sunshine.

I took a walk and found some solitude.

A few guys in but as the tide pushed in most paddled in leaving a handful left, all spread out. The wind went cross offshore and nice 3ft bowls began to fire off left and right. The lefts weren't up to much so I concentrated on the rights and caught a few nice long rides through to the inside shore dump.

One of the guys in had noticed my Firewire spitfire quad and was keen to know how it performed as he'd ordered one recently.

It took me a while to find my stride as the peaks were backing off initially but I tried my best to make the board look good.

It's an odd feeling having someone studying your every move on each wave - or perhaps I was being parnaoid? But he definitely kept glancing over whenever I took off! lol

Aran joined me later and we chatted about fishing and babies like real men! ;)

He's been catching plenty of trout in the Taff lately. By 7.30pm we'd seen the best of it - the tide was a little too low and the wind had picked up turning the waves into weak, choppy surf.

Time to go. The walk back was relaxing, a little sedge warbler flitted along in front of me - so tame he was probably a recent fledgling and there were flowering orchids left right and centre.

I passed a guy explaining to his disinterested girlfriend about the difference in wing shape between a house martin and swallow, and felt some of his pain ;)

The scarweather wave buoy is out of action 'again' so no data available I'm afraid - other than what is left in my head.

It looks like we're in for a decent hit of swell shortly (famous last words I know) but Weds and Thurs look interesting.

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