Thursday, 2 April 2009

Disappointing start

Swell: 0.8m
Wind: Light NE
Tides: Rising...HT @ 11.50am
Period: 9.4 secs

The period was there but the swell was a little small and large tides didn't work in our favour. You could see the swell hitting Scarweather banks today so it's def out there!

I got in around 6.45am this morning with Sven and were greeted with small, clean waves nudging 2ft.

We then spent a frustrating hour or so before it finally started to resemble a wave with some power and picked off 2 nice rights in the 3ft range but that was about it.

I had a little head dip on a wave earlier but the rest of my rides were well below par with the waves being fat and gutless.

Shared a couple with JC, Squirrel & Henry and the sunrise was lovely so not all bad.

The photo above is from and taken around the time we left, just as it started to get better :(

I'm regretting not hitting the reefs now though, as reports of head high and hollow start to trickle in...


  1. Hey Gull,
    This is Rio from OTL.
    Thought you might like this video my good friend made in a vague water-related/surf link up.

    It's an entry for a competition run by Barclaycard. I think it's pretty cool, and I think you'll agree.
    If you can spare a minute please check this out, vote and help them win, thus funding their general livelihoods.

    And if you really like it, posting it on your blog would be pretty awesome too, but, y'know, no pressure.

    Cheers, and hope you like it!

    PS - Here's instructions on how to vote if you haven't already:
    Go to:

    Click VOTE (the middle button of the three blue ones) and then scroll through the videos on the right until you find "8-BIT Waterslide in Real Life". Load it up and watch it, then hit the green thumbs up.
    Sorry there isn't a more direct way of voting, but it's worth the effort.

  2. okay...done. It reminded me of Jet Set Willy!
