Monday 6 April 2009

UK surfing history

Check out The Surfing Museum website - the home of British surfing history. There are some truly amazing photos on there so it's well worth a look if you're interested in board design and UK surfing history.

I was having a look through the 1970's photo gallery and came across this beast. It looks as if the shaper is wrestling with an anaconda but the shape is interesting and reminded me of an old Bilbo board I got a few yrs ago...

Bob Groves - image from the Surfing Museum's website:

Bic who comes out and snaps photos with us was recently given, yes 'given' a lovely old Bilbo board from a colleague at work, a 1970's single fin which got me thinking a bit more about mine.

Bic's Bilbo, originally bought new, in Newquay in 1973:

I was lucky enough to acquire one a few years ago for a straight swap with a colleagues son who was learning to surf and wanted a more modern shape.

It does make you think how many of these boards are out there though, lurking in people's garages or stacked away at the back of the loft.

As you can see, Bic's board is in pristine condition and still white whereas mine didn't fare quite so well, and is an 'off brown' colour and carrying a few serious looking holes and smashed in tail & rail when I took ownership.

Bilbo logo for Swansea - image from the Surfing Museum's website:

After years of neglect I've managed to get it water tight once more and plan to take her out again soon.

The tail needed some work after being filled with car filler..and I got a local shaper friend to glass in a leash plug. I know the purists out there will be cringing as it came with a drilled fin and fin leash but it wasn't practical to use anymore.

My maiden outing was about 2yrs ago and wasn't particularly successful.
The waves were a bit full and the board rode slowly so making any sections was very tricky indeed! Nudging 4 inches thick it was also a handful paddling and duck-diving let alone surfing but I'm keen to take her out in decent sized surf to see how she handles.

It turns out that the original 'Bilbo' logo was inspired by the Biba fashion house design who were big in the 1960's.

My Bilbo:

Nice yellow stripe across the deck, reminiscent of the 60's:

Check out that rocker:

I've no idea how old this board is but I think it's either late 60's or early 70's so if anyone has any ideas, get in touch. All I know is that an American guy was the original owner from new.

Good to see that Bilbo are still alive and kicking today.

Nice article on Bilbo boards from

1 comment:

  1. I had a mail from the Surfing Museum who thought it was early 70's but they couldn't say for sure, without seeing it in the flesh.
